Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014 - 10:00 WIB

AGENDA SOLORAYA HARI INI : Inilah Klangenan Selasa (19/8/2014)

Redaksi  /  Jafar Sodiq Assegaf  |

SOLOPOS.COM - The Expendables 3 hadir di bioskop Solo hari ini (, SOLO – Inilah box office pekan ini. The Expendables 3 hadir di sejumlah bioskop Solo, Selasa (19/8/2014). Sedangkan, pergelaran di Solo dimeriahkan lantunan lagu dari Jeconiah dan Fast Band di Taman Hiburan Rakyat (THR) Sriwedari, pukul 19.00 WIB.

Simak jadwal bioskop dan pergerlaran Solo hari Selasa, 19 Agustus 2014;


THR Sriwedari, Jeconiah + Fast Band, mulai 19.00 WIB

Grand 21


Grand 21

The Expendables 3 (Grand 1) 12.30, 15.00, 17.30, 20.00

Soekarno Extended Version (Grand 2) 12.00, 15.00, 18.00, 21.00


Runaway (Grand 2) 12.00, 14.10, 16.20, 18.30, 20.40

Solo Square XXI

The Expendables 3 (Studio 1) 12.30, 15.00, 17.30, 20.00


The Expendables 3 (Studio 2) 13.30, 16.00, 18.30, 21.00

Step Up: All In (Studio 3) 12.15, 15.00, 17.15, 19.30, 21.45

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (3D) (Studio 4) 12.15, 14.20, 16.25, 18.30, 20.35


Negeri Tanpa Telinga (Studio 5) 12.00, 14.15,

The Quiet Ones (Studio 5)16.30, 18.30, 20.30

Solo Paragon XXI

The Expendables 3 (Teater 1) 12.30, 15.00, 17.30, 20.00

The Expendables 3 (Teater 2) 13.30, 16.00, 18.30, 21.00

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Teater 3) 12.15, 14.20, 16.25, 18.30, 20.35

The Quiet Ones (Teater 4) 12.30, 14.40, 16.50, 19.00, 21.10

Planes: Fire & Rescue (Teater 5) 13.00, 15.00, 17.00, 19.00, 21.00

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